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2014 – The Year of Collaborations (According to Nogie’s Calendar)

08 January

Waterfall3118Well, here we go! Off and running into the New Year.

Hopefully, you took time for completions for 2013 (see last week’s blog) and have now set 2014 into motion with some powerful intentions.  But no worries if you haven’t focused on that yet. It is never too late to set intentions.

However, I do want to stress the importance of setting forth intentions rather than simply listing goals. Intentions are a deep commitment to a Way of Being. They are all about energy. I believe that it is our energy – the way we are showing up moment to moment in our lives – that creates the results we attract. Not thoughts, not words – but energy.

So it is very common for people to come up with a nice list of goals – like “doing a better job of managing my money” or “attracting more clients” – created from an energy of fear, scarcity, burden, resentment or obligation. The words are good but the energy is only going to create and bolster more opportunities for fear, scarcity, burden, resentment or obligation.

Intentions are not manipulations of external circumstances. They are not about discipline. They are not hopes. They are a deeply felt knowing of how we long to be. You will feel an intention in your body as a completion, a relaxation, an exhale and an expansion all at the same time. A sensation much like coming home.

My intention moving into 2014 is to be as open-hearted as I can possibly be – no matter what my external circumstances may be. Sort of like in the marriage vow when we promise, “in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, ‘til death us do part,” I’m committed to this heart opening journey.

Now, what does this have to do with collaboration, you may ask.  The ah-ha of the “Year of Collaboration” came to me in one of those magical, rare moments of crystal clear clarity. So this means that collaboration will be the lens through which I get to practice and get to create the greatest impact and receive my own greatest happiness. I have no idea specifically what that looks like, but I imagine that it will have something to do with exquisite relationships and partnerships – with clients, colleagues, family and myself! And I really hope that you will play in this arena with me.

I am so happy to announce my first course of 2014, The Currency of Connection: How to Create YOUR Exquisitely Kick-Ass Relationship with Money. This foundational tele-course has been expanded to 6 weeks beginning Jan. 22nd.  It is again offered as pay-as-you-wish and is recorded so that money and time are no longer valid excuses to avoid your own transformation around money.

I am only offering this course 3 times this year and it is a prerequisite for doing more intensive work with me, so I do want to let as many people as possible know about the upcoming class. If you’ve done the course before, please share this email with friends. I will also be offering a few free classes as tastings of what this work is all about (and it might surprise you! We really do look at money and relationships and health in a new way). Check out all of the upcoming calls on the Events Page on my website.

Hope to collaborate with YOU in 2014! It is going to be such a kick-ass year!