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Long Day

01 March

I love the fact that I’m naturally waking up early. I get to see the sunrise AND I get very long days.  Today I saw daylight break over the Pacific (I think) in Whitianga.  At any rate it was a beautiful blue green sea with very clear water. I said goodbye to my friend Heika […]

Kayaking at Cathedral Cove

27 February

This is my 7th day in New Zealand.  I certainly don’t feel like a native yet, but I do seem to be getting my bearings.  That is to say, that there are no bearings to be gotten, really. Traveling from moment to moment, need to need, and destination to the next destination is a new […]

Helpful People and new skills

26 February

I really wonder how those journalists that cover war zones, get the news out.  It is a bit of a challenge to use technology in a laid back country like this. Just finding power is a challenge some days. But there is an amazing power of another kind here. I expected the landscape to be […]


23 February

Greetings from the Coromandel Peninsula east of Auckland. I arrived in a gale force storm and it is only slightly less rainy today. Most things got wet-ish. This place is beautiful.  Something like a cross between the Carmel area of n. california and the tropics. It’s wet but reasonably warm. The people are amazingly friendly […]

Comfortable with Disorientation

21 February

Here I am in Auckland in an internet cafe. The system keeps saying I have no connection – but lo and behold, I am posting away!  It is fairly cool and cloudy today and I am fairly tired.  I cannot get into my hostel room for a few hours and my luggage weighs entirely too […]

Flying through energy

21 February

Well, I am really on my way! I’m writing to “you” from the VIP lounge for Air New Zealand, on my laptop that I finally managed to get connected to the web!!  This is really on my way. Into the 21st century. These posts are likely to be shorter for awhile.  It seems to be […]

My Latest Post

20 February

This post is simply to remind me that I can email my blog posts… isn’t that cool? My friend Barbara showed me how to do this. She is AWESOME! Later,-Nogie

Fire in the Belly

17 February

In what clearly appears to be a deviation from travel planning, I can’t decide whether to talk about sex or money this morning.  It’s all about creativity either way. Guess I’m still working on the 2nd and 3rd chakras. I was recently talking to a friend about taking the Vision Force “I Stand” Experience.  This […]


16 February

Packing is a strange experience.  It is a bit of an exercise is deciding who you want to be on a particular  venture.  I believe that the “clothes really can make the man” (or woman obviously).  If your thoughts create your reality and your clothes affect the way you feel, which impacts how you think, […]

Like Chocolate Covered Strawberries

15 February

I began this blog because I thought it would be a way for others to lead me into my next steps. I also drew a “Creative Writing” card repeatedly when I was drawing from my deck of angel cards.  The card instructed me to get off my butt and do some writing and that others […]