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Latitude in Attitudes

13 February

My mother had an incredibly bad attitude.  It was so obvious that my daughter, who was about 7 at the time, had a serious chat with her about how changing her attitude could change her life.  I’m sure that I am still wading through the muck of that attitude passed along to me.

I was given lots of interesting gifts from my ancestors. Everyone in my family was either alcoholic, manic-depressive or had really, really dry skin. Yet someone along the way must have also given me the awareness and intelligence to realize that choices are available and that life could unfold in unexpected ways.
Yesterday was exciting for me as Barack Obama won three more primaries.  People ask why I am so enthusiastic about the man. And the simple answer is that I think he really believes in democracy, in the power of service and integrity and in the dignity of all human beings. I met him months ago, before he had announced his intentions for running.  I was impressed then and I continue to be impressed with how he is inspiring so many people to get involved and to be part of the process.  I’m also happy with how he is raising money, from people rather than from the big money interests.
But I think that his wife, Michele, summed it up best when she was answering Larry King’s question about how hard is it to be the candidate’s wife, taking on more of the burden about childraising, etc.  I think he was expecting her to use this opportunity to complain.
Her answer was one of an attitude that I believe we could all adopt with positive results.  Her answer to Larry was ,”No, it is not hard. It is a privilege.” It isn’t hard compared to so many people in the world and even in our country.  People who are loosing their homes, people who have health care issues and don’t know how to pay for them, people who live in cardboard cities running from genocide.  She said that she felt incredibly lucky and privileged to be who she was and to be doing what she is doing.
Yes, that makes a great sound-bite, but when you get chills from hearing her say it, something is certainly behind it.  I believe thatshe operates from a deeply ingrained attitude of gratitude and honor. 
It reminded me to be grateful for my life.  I am so blessed.  The things that cause me stress are problems like not knowing how to operate my new camera as I head off in a big jet airplane to the wonders on the other side of the planet. Or not sure if I have the “right” travel guidebook for my travels.
What I hope that I remember to pack for this trip is my grateful attitude. For the amazing people in my life, for the synchronicity that connects me to so many interesting people and places, for the incredible safety in which I get to play and for my healthy body which keeps getting younger and younger.

One Response to “Latitude in Attitudes”

  1. Cierra February 14, 2008 at 9:56 pm #

    : )