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Money Talks … but are you listening?

30 April

I have a true story for you.

Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to walk my own talk in a fairly dramatic way.  In case you ever wondered about taking 3 years off to write a book, know that it IS a pretty expensive proposition. Add to that a house that didn’t want to be sold, some unexpected medical bills and a few major car repairs and you begin to get the picture of the essence of the challenge in this story.

The good news is that today my book is widely available on bookstore shelves and online, I have several speaking engagements lined up and people are buying the book.  But even more importantly, I found out first hand that the stuff I wrote about actually works!

No matter how much money you do or do not accumulate, no matter how well you manage it and no matter what programmed beliefs about money you inherited, it is still possible to live with a sense of freedom, a lightness of being and a heart-driven expansiveness. Living in the Energy is not dependant on external circumstances. It is an inside job – every time!  Even when the challenge is money!

This I know because I am constantly using the tools and insights in my book to do just that – to live in the freedom that is my birthright!!  I know that my experiences  – good or bad – are not Me. They are simply objects that I observe. They are experiences and relationships that give me valuable data about where I am going and what I really want to be doing in this life.  I know that my thoughts are not Me – they are simply thoughts that I observe while I grow into my Greatness.

I wrote the book since money is such a trigger for so many people.  Challenges around money tend to pull us into the trap faster than just about anything. But the truth is that money is really a mirror, a spiritual tool to guide us to our most expansive Selves. It is not good or evil; it simply is a relationship, like any relationship, that can illuminate our quest to Ourselves in a surprisingly powerful way.

Like all new patterns of behavior, this one needs practice too. Therefore, I am excited to offer several new online workshops and live retreats to share what I have learned and give people an opportunity to create a community of practice for a new way of Being with all relationships, including the one with money. Please check them out on the Events page of my website and see if freedom is calling you.

I would love to share this journey with all of you.