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Upside Down – Inside Out

08 February

Welcome to my adventure – in blogging, in travel and in life.  My name is Nogie and I am a Life Coach, a visionary, a mother, a landscape architect, a producer, a renegade and an explorer.  I am about to walk through a door into the unknown, into something completely new for me. Perhaps you will come along for the ride as well.

I am leaving my comfy cottage and my wonderful friends and family for 2 months on the road in New Zealand.  I don’t know anyone there (YET) and I’m not sure what I’m doing once I get there.  Visiting New Zealand is a dream that has been calling me for over 20 years and I’m still waiting for the details of what the call is about.
I do know that it is time to see my own life from the other side of the planet. Upside Down AND inside out. Clearly this is a journey to a remarkable natural setting with beaches, volcanos, mountains, fiords, hot springs, vineyards and sheep.  The guidebooks reassure me on that count. Yet it is also a journey inward to discover the extraordinary wonders within me. Perhaps in my ramblings, you too will see the extraordinary in yourself.
I am incredibly grateful for the chance to go on this trip and for my own courage to explore my possibilities.  It is a little scary sometimes to think about heading off into the “wild blue yonder” all alone.  Yet, it is also exciting to realize that it is WILD and it is BLUE and it is surely “way off yonder”. It is also scary to realize that my dreams DO come true.  Consistently.
So what do I do with that dream come true capacity? What CAN happen if I jump off into the unknown and let life unfold? Can my body expand enough to hold the possibility for something bigger than I’ve ever known? What can happen if I get present to those voices of guidance that say, “Step up to the plate and hit the ball out of the ballpark”?
What if we were all to listen to those voices and play full out? 
What if?

One Response to “Upside Down – Inside Out”

  1. VisionForce February 11, 2008 at 7:02 pm #

    Here’s some fuel for the fire . . . : )

    Check out the audio of Michael Skye talking about his upcoming new book!
