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Writing Better Patterns

09 February

This past week was commited to getting communication issues taken care of before I leave. Yesterday, I learned from my brother that we were in a Mercury in retrograde period. Great. Our culture has readily latched onto the idea that Mercury in retrograde equals screwed up communications. Computers won’t work, telephones go down, cars decide to sputter and thunk. Had I known of this before the week started, I probably would have bought into the notion that something was not going to work properly. Fortunately, I managed to slip through without knowing that the less than helpful alignment was even happening.

So what is it with our readiness to expect bad things vs the herculean task of buying into the ease with which life could flow. Are we afraid to believe that things can really be great? That we will be disappointed…again, when something less than amazing shows up in life? But all of those are negative belief patterns in themselves. Why don’t I wake up automatically thinking, “This is going to be a FABULOUS day! What adventure can I find for myself today? How can I shine positive energy on everyone I meet?

One of my favorite books in the whole world is “Ask and It Is Given”, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This is basically the same material that later showed up in the movie, “The Secret”. One thing that I like about this book is the liberal use of practice exercises. Understanding the concept behind attracting the things that you want to your life is one thing. Practicing it in real life is altogether different.

It is hard to think happy thoughts all of the time….See? Already, I’ve thrown a negative thought into the swirl of thoughts. That it is hard to do something. How on earth do we break through the pattern of thinking life is hard, or that it’s not going to work, or even that something is not perfect just like it is?

For me, the first step is awareness. Catching myself when I think or say, “This is hard”. And then using my will to change that thought to something more like, “I love it when life is easy.” And keep saying that until I actually feel what “life is easy” feels like.

So as I wake up feeling thick as fudge instead of shining like a crystal, I will focus on how good clarity and life energy can feel. I can at least remember what I felt like after yoga yesterday or when I hit that winning tennis shot 5 years ago. It felt alive and can still make me smile. I CAN rewrite these patterns, slowly but surely.

What do I want to be about as I move through life? What force do I want to contribute to the world? Well, as much as I love fudge, I would rather contribute light and clarity and radiance to those who share the planet with me. I feel younger already.